Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987

Miscellaneous provisions

72D: Application of Employment Relations Act 2000 in case of self-employed persons

You could also call this:

“Rules for handling self-employed people's parental leave cases”

If you are self-employed and you make an application under this Act to the Employment Relations Authority or Employment Court, Part 10 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 will apply to your case. This means that the rules and procedures outlined in Part 10 of that Act will be used to handle your application, with any necessary changes to make it fit your situation as a self-employed person.

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72C: Date of succession to spouse's or partner's entitlements, or

“When you can start using your partner's parental leave”


73: Regulations, or

“Rules for parental leave and payments”

Part 8 Miscellaneous provisions

72DApplication of Employment Relations Act 2000 in case of self-employed persons

  1. Part 10 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 applies to the extent applicable and with all necessary modifications to an application in respect of a self-employed person made to the Employment Relations Authority or Employment Court under this Act.

  • Section 72D: inserted, on , by section 44 of the Parental Leave and Employment Protection (Paid Parental Leave for Self-Employed Persons) Amendment Act 2006 (2006 No 20).