Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987

Primary carers not eligible for primary carer leave may request negotiated carer leave - Duties of employer

30D: Employer must notify decision as soon as possible

You could also call this:

“Your boss must quickly tell you if you can take time off to care for someone”

When you ask your employer for negotiated carer leave, they need to make a decision quickly. Your employer must tell you their decision in writing within one month of getting your request. If they say no to your request, they have to explain why. They need to tell you which specific reasons from the law they are using to say no, and they must explain how those reasons apply to your situation. This helps you understand why your request was turned down.

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30C: Requirements relating to request, or

“How to ask for time off to care for a child”


30E: Grounds for refusal of request by employer, or

“When your employer can say no to your request for leave to look after someone”

Part 3A Primary carers not eligible for primary carer leave may request negotiated carer leave
Duties of employer

30DEmployer must notify decision as soon as possible

  1. An employer must deal with a request for negotiated carer leave as soon as possible, but not later than 1 month after receiving it, and—

  2. notify the employee in writing as to whether the employee’s request is approved or refused; and
    1. if the request is refused,—
      1. notify the employee of the ground or grounds specified in section 30E(2) for refusal; and
        1. provide an explanation of the reasons why the ground applies or the grounds apply.
        • Section 30D: inserted, on , by section 34 of the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Amendment Act 2016 (2016 No 8).