Plain language law

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CD 29C: Transfers to shareholders by ASX-listed Australian company of shares in subsidiary
or “Australian company giving shares in its subsidiary to shareholders may not be taxed as a dividend”

You could also call this:

“Unit trust transfers legal ownership without additional tax on previously taxed dividends”

When you have money or property in a unit trust, it might be considered a dividend under [section CD 9]. If this happens, and the unit trust transfers the legal ownership of that money or property to you, it’s not counted as another dividend. This means you won’t be taxed twice on the same thing. The law is trying to make sure that when you get the actual money or property that you’re entitled to, you don’t have to pay extra tax on it if you’ve already been taxed on it as a dividend.

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Next up: CD 31: Flat-owning companies

or “Special rules for companies that let shareholders live in their properties”

Part C Income
Income from equity

CD 30Transfer by unit trust of legal interest after beneficial interest vests

  1. If money or property of a unit trust is a dividend under section CD 9 for a unit holder, a transfer to the unit holder of the legal interest in the money or property is not a dividend.
