Part F
Recharacterisation of certain transactions
Imputation groups of companies
FN 6Nominated companies
The nominated company of an imputation group at any time must be part of the imputation group at the time.
For a trans-Tasman imputation group, the nominated company—
- must not be an Australian imputation credit account (ICA) company:
- is the nominated company for the resident imputation subgroup associated with the trans-Tasman imputation group.
For the purposes of the imputation rules, a nominated company is, at a time, the agent of the imputation group and of each company that is part of the imputation group at the time.
A nominated company may notify the Commissioner that it is, at a particular date, no longer to continue as the agent for the imputation group, and that another company is to become the nominated company.
A notice under subsection (4) has effect 30 days after the date on which the Commissioner receives it.
If a nominated company of an imputation group is liquidated, the other companies in the imputation group may choose a replacement. The replacement company—
- becomes the nominated company from the date of the liquidation, on complying with paragraph (b); and
- must notify the Commissioner of its selection as nominated company within 30 days after the date of the liquidation, or by a later date if the Commissioner agrees.