Part 6
Shares and debentures
Distributions to shareholders
55Shareholder discounts
The board of a company may resolve that the company offer shareholders discounts in respect of some or all of the goods sold or services provided by the company.
The board may approve a discount scheme under subsection (1) only if it has previously resolved that the proposed discounts are—
- fair and reasonable to the company and to all shareholders; and
- to be available to all shareholders or all shareholders of the same class on the same terms.
A discount scheme may not be approved or continued by the board unless it is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the company satisfies the solvency test.
Subject to subsection (5), a discount accepted by a shareholder under a discount scheme approved under this section is not a distribution for the purposes of this Act.
- a discount is accepted by a shareholder under a scheme approved or continued by the board; and
- at the time the scheme was approved or the discount was offered, the board ceased to be satisfied on reasonable grounds that the company would satisfy the solvency test,—