Companies Act 1993

Registrar of Companies - Other matters relating to Registrar's powers

369: Inspector's report admissible in liquidation proceedings

You could also call this:

“Report from company inspection can be used as evidence in liquidation cases”

If someone inspects a company under section 365, or if information is shared under section 365F, 365G, or 365H, they will write a report. This report can be used as evidence in court when someone asks the court to appoint a liquidator for the company. A liquidator is a person who helps close down a company. The court will accept this report as evidence even if other laws or rules might not usually allow it.

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368: Appeals from decisions under section 367, or

“You can no longer appeal decisions made under section 367”


370: Appeals from Registrar's decisions, or

“How to challenge the Registrar's decisions in court”

Part 20 Registrar of Companies
Other matters relating to Registrar's powers

369Inspector's report admissible in liquidation proceedings

  1. Notwithstanding any other Act or rule of law, a report prepared by a person in relation to an inspection carried out by him or her under section 365, or in relation to a disclosure under section 365F, 365G, or 365H, is admissible in evidence at the hearing of an application to the court to appoint a liquidator.

  • Section 369: amended, on , by section 51 of the Companies Amendment Act 2014 (2014 No 46).