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69: Interference with privacy of individual
or “When an agency mishandles your personal information or request”

You could also call this:

“How to complain if you think someone has interfered with your privacy”

You can make a complaint if you think someone has interfered with your privacy. This is called an ‘interference with the privacy of an individual’. You can complain about actions taken by an agency that you believe have affected your privacy.

If you have more than one complaint, you can make them all at the same time. You don’t need to make separate complaints for each issue.

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Next up: 71: Who may make complaint

or “Anyone can complain about privacy matters, even if they weren't personally affected”

Part 5 Complaints, investigations, and proceedings


  1. A complaint may be made under this Part alleging that an action of an agency is, or appears to be, an interference with the privacy of an individual.

  2. A complaint may be made together with 1 or more other complaints.