Privacy Act 2020

Sharing, accessing, and matching personal information - Authorised information matching programmes

175: Application of this subpart

You could also call this:

“Who this part of the law applies to when sharing personal information”

This part of the law is about sharing personal information in a special way. It applies when someone wants to share your personal information as part of an “information matching programme”. But they can only do this if there’s a special rule that says it’s okay. This special rule is called an “information matching provision”.

When people want to share your information this way, they have to follow the rules in this part of the law. It’s like a set of instructions that tells them what they can and can’t do with your information.

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174: Purpose of this subpart, or

“This section explains when agencies can compare personal information from different sources”


176: Relationship between this subpart and other law relating to information disclosure, or

“How this part relates to other laws about sharing information”

Part 7 Sharing, accessing, and matching personal information
Authorised information matching programmes

175Application of this subpart

  1. This subpart applies to the disclosure of personal information under an information matching programme authorised by an information matching provision.