This page is about a bill. That means that it's not the law yet, but some people want it to be the law. It could change quickly, and some of the information is just a draft.

Customer and Product Data Bill

Administrative matters - Accreditation of requestors

109: Renewal of accreditation

You could also call this:

“How to keep your special permission to request information”

If you’re an accredited requestor, you can ask to renew your accreditation. This means you can keep your status as an accredited requestor for longer.

If you ask to renew before your current accreditation runs out, you can keep using your accreditation until the chief executive decides on your renewal.

But if your accreditation has already expired, you can’t renew it. Instead, you’ll need to apply for a brand new accreditation under section 101.

When you want to renew, you’ll need to follow the rules set out in the regulations. These rules will tell you how to apply.

The process for renewing is mostly the same as when you first applied. Sections 102 to 106 of the law will apply to your renewal application, just like they did for your original application. But there might be some differences, so make sure to check if there are any special rules for renewals in this law or the regulations.

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This page was last updated on

View the original legislation for this page at


108: Duration of accreditation, or

“How long you can be an approved asker of information”


110: When chief executive may suspend or cancel accreditation, or

“When the boss can take away your special permission to do something”

Part 5 Administrative matters
Accreditation of requestors

109Renewal of accreditation

  1. An accredited requestor may apply to renew its accreditation.

  2. If a renewal application is made on or before the date of expiry of an accredited requestor’s accreditation, the accreditation continues to have effect until the renewal application is decided by the chief executive.

  3. If the accredited requestor’s accreditation expires before a renewal application is made, instead of a renewal application, the accredited requestor must make a fresh application for accreditation under section 101.

  4. A renewal application must be made in the manner prescribed by the regulations (if any).

  5. Sections 102 to 106 apply to the making of a renewal application under this section as if it were an original application for accreditation (except to the extent that this Act or the regulations provide different requirements for renewal applications).