Part 4
Regulatory and enforcement matters
Duties to take remedial action
59Data holder or accredited requestor must take prescribed steps to avoid, mitigate, or remedy loss or damage caused by contravention
This section applies if—
- a person (A) contravenes a duty imposed under this Act; and
- A is a data holder or an accredited requestor; and
- a person (B) referred to in subsection (3) has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss or damage because of the contravention.
A must take the steps that are prescribed by the regulations to avoid, mitigate, or remedy that loss or damage.
For the purposes of subsection (1)(c), B is any of the following:
- a customer:
- a data holder or an accredited requestor (other than A).
See section 126(2), which relates to the regulations.