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182: Minister may reduce or remove period of prohibition on entry
or “Minister can change or remove ban on entering New Zealand after deportation”

You could also call this:

“Explains key terms used in immigration law for appeals and reviews”

In this part of the law, unless the context says otherwise, there are some important terms you need to know.

An “affected person” is someone who is being talked about in certain cases. This could be a person whose refugee or protected person status might be taken away, or someone who might have broken the rules when their deportation was put on hold.

A “closed hearing” is a special kind of meeting where only certain people are allowed to be there. These people include the judge, some government officials, lawyers, and other helpers that the court says can be there. It’s like a private meeting about important stuff.

A “matter” is a specific kind of case that the Tribunal (a group that makes decisions) deals with. It could be about taking away someone’s refugee or protected person status, or deciding if someone broke the rules when they were allowed to stay in the country temporarily.

These terms are used to help everyone understand what’s being talked about when dealing with immigration issues, especially when it comes to appeals and reviews of decisions.

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Next up: 184: Purpose of Part

or “This part explains how to challenge immigration decisions in New Zealand”

Part 7 Appeals, reviews, and other proceedings


  1. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires,—

    affected person means a person who is—

    1. the subject of an application made by a refugee and protection officer under section 144 or 147 to the Tribunal in relation to the cessation or cancellation of recognition of the person as a refugee or a protected person; or
      1. the subject of an application made by the Minister under section 212(2) to the Tribunal on whether the person has breached the conditions of suspension of his or her liability for deportation

        closed hearing, in relation to proceedings in the Tribunal or a court, means proceedings conducted in the absence of all persons other than—

        1. the Judge or Judges hearing the case:
          1. the chief executive of the relevant agency, or his or her security-cleared representative, or both:
            1. the Minister, or his or her security-cleared representative, or both:
              1. if applicable, a refugee and protection officer, or his or her security-cleared representative, or both:
                1. any special advocate:
                  1. any person appointed as counsel assisting the court or as a special adviser by the Tribunal or the court:
                    1. any person authorised by the Tribunal or the court to provide administrative assistance in the proceedings and who has an appropriate security clearance

                      matter means—

                      1. an application made by a refugee and protection officer under section 144 or 147 to the Tribunal in relation to the cessation or cancellation of recognition of a person as a refugee or a protected person:
                        1. an application made by the Minister under section 212(2) to the Tribunal on whether a person has breached the conditions of suspension of his or her liability for deportation.