Immigration Act 2009

Appeals, reviews, and other proceedings - General provisions relating to proceedings involving classified information

255: Appeal period where decision involving classified information to be appealed to Court of Appeal or Supreme Court

You could also call this:

“Time limit for appealing decisions with secret information to higher courts”

If you want to appeal a decision that involves classified information to the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court, you need to act quickly. You must lodge your appeal within 10 days of being told about the decision you’re appealing against. This rule applies to any appeal, review, or other legal proceedings that involve classified information. Remember, classified information is secret information that not everyone is allowed to see.

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254: Appeal to Court of Appeal or Supreme Court involving classified information, or

“Special rules for court appeals involving classified information”


256: Court to approve summary of allegations, or

“Court checks and approves a summary of claims against you in cases involving secret information”

Part 7 Appeals, reviews, and other proceedings
General provisions relating to proceedings involving classified information

255Appeal period where decision involving classified information to be appealed to Court of Appeal or Supreme Court

  1. Where any decision on any appeal or review or other proceedings involving classified information is to be appealed to the Court of Appeal or to the Supreme Court, the appeal must be lodged not later than 10 days after the appellant is notified of the decision being appealed against.