Employment Relations Act 2000

General provisions - Miscellaneous provisions

239: New Schedule 3 substituted in Police Act 1958

You could also call this:

“The law book gets a new list of rules for the police.”

The Police Act 1958 has been changed. A new Schedule 3 has been added to replace the old one. If you want to see what this new Schedule 3 says, you need to look at the Police Act 1958 itself. The changes have been put into that Act, not this one.

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View the original legislation for this page at https://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1986/0120/latest/link.aspx?id=DLM61486.

Crime and justice > Police and safety


238A: Provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, or

“This part explains rules about COVID-19 shots in simple terms.”


240: Consequential amendments, or

“Changes made to other laws because of this new law”

Part 11 General provisions
Miscellaneous provisions

239New Schedule 3 substituted in Police Act 1958

  1. Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).