Employment Relations Act 2000

Collective bargaining - Codes of good faith

38: Amendment and revocation of code of good faith

You could also call this:

“Rules for changing or getting rid of the good faith code”

If you want to change or get rid of a code of good faith, you can do it in the same way the code was first approved. This means you use the same steps and rules that were used when the code was created. It’s like if you want to erase or fix something you’ve written, you would use the same pencil or eraser you used to write it in the first place.

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Work and jobs > Worker rights


37: Minister may approve code of good faith not recommended by committee, or

“The Minister can make rules even if the group of experts doesn't suggest any or if the Minister doesn't like their ideas.”


39: Authority or court may have regard to code of good faith, or

“The court can look at rules about being fair when deciding if workers and bosses were nice to each other while making deals.”

Part 5 Collective bargaining
Codes of good faith

38Amendment and revocation of code of good faith

  1. A code of good faith may be amended or revoked in the same manner as the code is approved.