Employment Relations Act 2000

Institutions - Employment Relations Authority

156: Employment Relations Authority

You could also call this:

“A special group that helps solve problems between workers and bosses”

The law creates a special group called the Employment Relations Authority. This group is set up to help with work-related matters. You can think of it as a team that deals with problems between workers and bosses. The law says this group must exist to help sort out these kinds of issues.

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View the original legislation for this page at https://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1986/0120/latest/link.aspx?id=DLM60932.

Work and jobs > Worker rights
Government and voting > Government departments


155: Arbitration, or

“When people at work have a problem, they can choose to have someone else decide what to do about it.”


157: Role of Authority, or

“The Authority looks into and solves work problems by finding out what happened and making fair decisions.”

Part 10 Institutions
Employment Relations Authority

156Employment Relations Authority

  1. This section establishes an authority called the Employment Relations Authority.