Plain language law

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18A: Union delegates entitled to reasonable paid time to represent employees
or “Union helpers can get paid for helping workers during work hours, as long as it doesn't cause problems.”

You could also call this:

“A place where someone lives is not counted as a workplace when it comes to certain rules.”

For sections 20 to 25 of this law, a workplace does not include a dwellinghouse. This means that if you live in a house, it is not considered a workplace under these specific parts of the law. When the law talks about workplaces in these sections, it is not talking about people’s homes.

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Next up: 20: Access to workplaces

or “Union representatives can visit workplaces to help workers and talk about union matters.”

Part 4 Recognition and operation of unions
Access to workplaces

19Workplace does not include dwellinghouse

  1. For the purposes of sections 20 to 25, workplace does not include a dwellinghouse.