Local Government Act 2002

Planning, decision-making, and accountability - Planning and decision-making - Community outcomes

91: Process for identifying community outcomes

You could also call this:

“How to figure out what a community wants (this part was removed)”

This part of the law used to explain how to find out what a community wants and needs. However, it has been removed from the law. The government took it out on 27 November 2010. This means that this section no longer applies and you can’t use it anymore.

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View the original legislation for this page at https://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1986/0120/latest/link.aspx?id=DLM172341.

Government and voting > Local councils


90: Policy on significance, or

“Councils no longer need a rule about what's important”


92: Obligation to report against community outcomes, or

“This part of the law about telling people how well community goals are being met has been taken out”

Part 6 Planning, decision-making, and accountability
Planning and decision-making: Community outcomes

91Process for identifying community outcomes (Repealed)

    • Section 91: repealed, on , by section 13 of the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 124).