Local Government Act 2002

Specific obligations and restrictions on local authorities and other persons - Restrictions on disposal of parks, reserves, and endowment properties - Parks and reserves

139A: Further provision in relation to regional parks

You could also call this:

“New land can be added to regional parks after they're created”

You can change an Order in Council about regional parks even after it’s been made. This change can add new land that becomes part of the regional park later on.

When you make these changes, you need to follow the same rules as when the original Order was made. These rules are found in section 139.

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Government and voting > Local councils
Environment and resources > Conservation


139: Protection of regional parks, or

“Regional parks are protected forever so everyone can enjoy them”


140: Restrictions on disposal of endowment property, or

“Rules for keeping and using special gifts of land given to local councils”

Part 7 Specific obligations and restrictions on local authorities and other persons
Restrictions on disposal of parks, reserves, and endowment properties: Parks and reserves

139AFurther provision in relation to regional parks

  1. An Order in Council made under section 139 may be varied to include a reference to any land included in the regional park after the Order is made.

  2. The provisions of section 139 apply, with all necessary modifications, to an Order in Council varied under subsection (1).

  • Section 139A: inserted, on , by section 14 of the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Act 2006 (2006 No 26).