Local Government Act 2002

Governance and management of local authorities and community boards - Register of members’ pecuniary interests

54I: Definition of Registrar

You could also call this:

“Who is the Registrar and why it's important to know”

In this part of the law, the word “Registrar” has a special meaning. It refers to the person who was given the job of Registrar under section 54G. This definition helps you understand who the Registrar is when you read about them in this part of the law.

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Government and voting > Local councils
Government and voting > Government departments


54H: Responsibility of members, or

“Members must follow the rules and tell people about their money interests without being reminded”


55: Outline of Part, or

“This part explains how councils can create special groups to do some of their work and how these groups should behave”

Part 4 Governance and management of local authorities and community boards
Register of members’ pecuniary interests

54IDefinition of Registrar

  1. In this subpart, Registrar means the Registrar appointed under section 54G.

  • Section 54I: inserted, on , by section 4 of the Local Government (Pecuniary Interests Register) Amendment Act 2022 (2022 No 24).