Local Government Act 2002

Planning, decision-making, and accountability - Planning and decision-making - Consultation

83B: Use of special consultative procedure during outbreak of COVID-19

You could also call this:

“Rules for getting people's opinions during COVID-19 have been removed”

This section of the law has been removed. It used to be about how to use a special way of asking people what they think during the COVID-19 outbreak. The government took this part out of the law on 1 October 2020. If you want to know more about why this was done, you can look at section 83D of the same law.

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View the original legislation for this page at https://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1986/0120/latest/link.aspx?id=LMS350209.

Government and voting > Local councils
Government and voting > Emergency management


83C: Use of special consultative procedure during recovery from severe weather events, or

“This law about how councils talk to people after bad storms is no longer used”


83C: Long-term plan commencing on 1 July 2021, or

“Rules for the city's big plan starting in July 2021 were removed”

Part 6 Planning, decision-making, and accountability
Planning and decision-making: Consultation

83BUse of special consultative procedure during outbreak of COVID-19 (Repealed)

    • Section 83B: repealed, on , by section 83D.