Part 7
Specific obligations and restrictions on local authorities and other
Obligations and restrictions relating to provision of water
Closure or transfer of small water services
134Criteria for closure of water service
A local government organisation may only close down a water service under section 131(1)(a) if it has first—
- reviewed the likely effect of the closure on—
- the public health of the community that would be
affected by the closure; and
- the environment in the district of that community;
- the public health of the community that would be
affected by the closure; and
- assessed, in relation to each property that receives the
water service, the likely capital cost and annual
operating costs of providing an appropriate alternative
service if the water service is closed down; and
- compared the quality and adequacy of the existing water
service with the likely quality and adequacy of the
alternative service referred to in paragraph (b).