Social Security Act 2018

Obligations - Beneficiaries’ obligations - Specific obligations: social obligations in relation to dependent children

136: Person who fails to comply with obligations in relation to dependent children is subject to sanction

You could also call this:

“You might get in trouble if you don't follow the rules about looking after your kids”

If you don’t follow the rules about taking care of your dependent children, you might get in trouble. The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) can punish you if they think you haven’t done what you’re supposed to do for your children. These rules are explained in sections 131 to 135 of the law.

You can get in trouble if you don’t have a good reason for not following the rules. The punishment is called a sanction, and it’s described in sections 236, 237, or 238 of the law.

Sometimes, even if you haven’t followed the rules, you might not get punished. This can happen if sections 243 or 255 of the law say you shouldn’t be punished.

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135: Interviews and reporting, or

“You might need to meet with MSD and tell them how you're caring for your kids”


137: Definitions and attendance: regulations made under section 430, or

“Rules about school, health checks, and words used in child education law”

Part 3 Obligations
Beneficiaries’ obligations: Specific obligations: social obligations in relation to dependent children

136Person who fails to comply with obligations in relation to dependent children is subject to sanction

  1. A person (P) is subject to a sanction under section 236, 237, or 238 if MSD is satisfied that P has, without a good and sufficient reason, failed to comply with an obligation in relation to dependent children under sections 131 to 135.

  2. However, P is not subject to a sanction under section 233(c) if imposition of a sanction is precluded by section 243 or 255.
