Part 3
Beneficiaries’ obligations:
Beneficiaries: general and specific obligations
109Outline of beneficiary’s general and specific obligations
The general obligations of a beneficiary, that is, obligations that apply to all beneficiaries, are the following:
- the obligation to hold, and give MSD details of, a bank account (see section 111):
- the obligation to supply a tax file number (see section 112):
- the obligation to notify a change of circumstances (see section 113).
The specific obligations that apply to some beneficiaries only, are the following:
- the obligation to notify absence from New Zealand (see section 114):
- the obligation to undergo work ability assessments (see sections 115 to 119):
- work-preparation obligations (see sections 120 to 126):
- obligations in relation to dependent children (see sections 127 to 137):
- work-test obligations (see sections 138 to 156):
- youth payment obligations (see sections 162 and 163):
- young parent obligations (see sections 164 and 169):
- obligations under section 165(7) of a young person aged 18 or 19 years who is receiving jobseeker support, who is at significant risk of long-term welfare dependency (see sections 165 and 169), and who is required under section 165(2) to receive youth services:
- obligations (including relating to instruction, education, training, or learning) of a young person who is the spouse or partner of a beneficiary (see sections 166, 167, and 169):
- obligations (including relating to youth services) of a young person who is the spouse or partner of a beneficiary (see sections 168 and 169):
- the obligation to work with contracted service providers (see sections 170 and 171):
- obligations in relation to overseas pensions (see sections 172 to 180).