Resource Management Act 1991

Duties and restrictions under this Act - Coastal marine area

12A: Restrictions on aquaculture activities in coastal marine area and on other activities in aquaculture management areas

You could also call this:

“Rules about where you can grow sea animals and what else you can do in those areas were removed from the law.”

You can’t do aquaculture activities in the coastal marine area anymore. There were also rules about other activities in aquaculture management areas, but these rules have been removed. The government took away this part of the law on 1 October 2011. If you want to know more about why they did this, you can look at section 5 of the Resource Management Amendment Act (No 2) 2011.

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Environment and resources > Farming and fishing
Government and voting > Local councils


12: Restrictions on use of coastal marine area, or

“This law explains what you can and can't do in areas near the sea without special permission.”


12B: Continuation of coastal permit for aquaculture activities if aquaculture management area ceases to exist, or

“ Allows fish farmers to keep using the sea even if the special area for fish farming is gone ”

Part 3 Duties and restrictions under this Act
Coastal marine area

12ARestrictions on aquaculture activities in coastal marine area and on other activities in aquaculture management areas (Repealed)

    • Section 12A: repealed, on , by section 5 of the Resource Management Amendment Act (No 2) 2011 (2011 No 70).