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165ZY: Regional council's decision on concurrent application
or “The council must decide and tell everyone about a shared request within 20 work days after they share their choice about changing the plan.”

You could also call this:

“You can ask for a new decision within 20 working days if you don't agree with what was decided about using the sea and coast.”

If you want to appeal a decision about a plan change request or a concurrent application, or both, you need to do it within 20 working days. This time starts from the day the regional council publicly announces its decision on the concurrent application.

If people appeal both the plan change request decision and the concurrent application decision, these appeals will be heard together. This means they will be considered at the same time.

Section 165ZZ of the Resource Management Act 1991 explains these rules about appeals.

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Next up: 165ZZA: Grant of coastal permit

or “Rules for allowing someone to use the beach or sea depend on getting approval from the government”

Part 7A Occupation of common marine and coastal area
Plan change requests and concurrent applications for coastal permits in relation to aquaculture activities


  1. An appeal against a decision relating to the plan change request or the concurrent application or both must be lodged within 20 working days after the day on which the regional council publicly notifies its decision on the concurrent application.

  2. If appeals are lodged against both the decision on the plan change request and the concurrent application, the appeals must be heard together.

  • Section 165ZZ: inserted, on , by section 55 of the Resource Management Amendment Act (No 2) 2011 (2011 No 70).