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Schedule 3A: MDRS to be incorporated by specified territorial authorities
or “Rules for medium-density housing that certain councils must include in their plans”

You could also call this:

“Rules for building heights and density in cities and towns”

In tier 1 urban environments, you can expect to see tall buildings and more people living in city centres. The rules say that buildings in city centres can be as tall as possible to fit in more people and businesses. In metropolitan centres, buildings should be at least 6 storeys high.

You’ll also see taller buildings near train stations and other public transport stops, as well as around the edges of city and metropolitan centres. These buildings should be at least 6 storeys high within walking distance of these areas. In and around smaller centres like neighbourhood or town centres, the height of buildings will match how busy the area is with shops and community services.

For tier 2 and 3 urban environments, which are smaller cities and towns, the rules are a bit different. The height and number of buildings allowed will depend on how easy it is to get to shops and services by walking, cycling, or public transport. It will also depend on how many people want to live or work in that area.

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Next up: Schedule 4: Information required in application for resource consent

or “What you need to include when asking for permission to do something that affects the environment”


3BPolicies 3, 4, and 5 of National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (as amended by section 77S(1) of the Act)

Policy 3: In relation to tier 1 urban environments, regional policy statements and district plans enable:

  • in city centre zones, building heights and density of urban form to realise as much development capacity as possible, to maximise benefits of intensification; and
    1. in metropolitan centre zones, building heights and density of urban form to reflect demand for housing and business use in those locations, and in all cases building heights of at least 6 storeys; and
      1. building heights of at least 6 storeys within at least a walkable catchment of the following:
        1. existing and planned rapid transit stops:
          1. the edge of city centre zones:
            1. the edge of metropolitan centre zones; and
            2. within and adjacent to neighbourhood centre zones, local centre zones, and town centre zones (or equivalent), building heights and density of urban form commensurate with the level of commercial activities and community services.
              1. Policy 4: Regional policy statements and district plans applying to tier 1 urban environments modify the relevant building height or density requirements under Policy 3 only to the extent necessary (as specified in subpart 6) to accommodate a qualifying matter in that area.

                Policy 5: Regional policy statements and district plans applying to tier 2 and 3 urban environments enable heights and density of urban form commensurate with the greater of:

              2. the level of accessibility by existing or planned active or public transport to a range of commercial activities and community services; or
                1. relative demand for housing and business use in that location.