Part 6
Resource consents
Transfer of consents
138Surrender of consent
The holder of a resource consent may surrender the consent, either in whole or part, by giving written notice to the consent authority.
A consent authority may refuse to accept the surrender of part of a resource consent where it considers that surrender of that part would—
- affect the integrity of the consent; or
- affect the ability of the consent holder to meet other conditions of the consent; or
- lead to an adverse effect on the environment.
A person who surrenders a resource consent remains liable under this Act—
- for any breach of conditions of the consent which occurred before the surrender of the consent;
- to complete any work to give effect to the consent unless the consent authority directs otherwise
in its notice of acceptance of the surrender under subsection (4).
A surrender of a resource consent takes effect on receipt by the holder of a notice of acceptance of the surrender from the consent authority.