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377: Obligation to review transitional plans
or “Local councils must check and update their old plans by certain deadlines”

You could also call this:

“This explains how plans and changes to plans are dealt with when laws change”

If you were making plans for how to use land and water before this law started, you can still finish those plans using the old rules. When you finish, these plans will work under the new law as if they were made before it started.

If you made any changes to your plans after 28 May 1992, you need to think about what this new law says when you’re making those changes.

Any changes you made to your plans before this law started are now okay, even if someone said they weren’t allowed before.

If the Environment Court looks at a decision about these changes again, they can think about the fact that the changes are now okay as a reason to maybe change their decision.

If you started working on other kinds of plans before this law began and haven’t finished them yet, you can keep working on them. If you’ve already had meetings about them, you can use the old rules. If you haven’t had meetings yet, you need to use the new rules in this law. When you finish these plans, they will work as if you made them before this law started.

If your plans are about the sea near the coast, the regional council will now be in charge of those plans.

If you had the right to ask a court to look at these plans before this law started, you can still do that using the old rules.

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Next up: 379: Declarations

or “This law explains how to figure out if certain rules are part of a plan and what kinds of activities they allow.”

Part 15 Transitional provisions
Provisions relating to all plans

378Proceedings in relation to plans

  1. Subject to subsection (3), all proposed district schemes, combined schemes, and maritime planning schemes, and all changes and reviews, under the Town and Country Planning Act 1977 that were publicly notified but not operative before the date of commencement of this Act, and all variations (whether publicly notified before or after the commencement of this Act) to such proposed schemes, changes, or reviews may be continued and completed in all respects as if the Town and Country Planning Act 1977 continued in force, and, when completed, shall have effect under this Part as if they had been completed and made operative before the date of commencement of this Act.

  2. Notwithstanding subsection (1), any local authority shall take into account the provisions of this Act in relation to any variation publicly notified on or after 28 May 1992.

  3. All variations to which subsection (1) applies, whether or not completed before the commencement of this subsection, are hereby validated and declared to have been lawfully commenced, notwithstanding that they may have been held invalid in any judicial proceedings before the commencement of this subsection.

  4. For the purposes of section 294 (which provides for a review of its decision by an Environment Court), the validation of the variations under subsection (1B) is deemed to be a change of circumstances.

  5. All proceedings relating to the preparation, amendment, review, or revocation of any instrument referred to in section 368(2) that were commenced before the date of commencement of this Act and have not been completed at that date shall be continued and completed in all respects—

  6. in cases where they have been wholly or partly heard, as if the enactments repealed by this Act continued in force; and
    1. in all other cases, as if they had been commenced under this Act which shall apply accordingly,—
      1. and all such proceedings, when completed, shall have effect under this Part after they have been completed as if they had been completed before the date of commencement of this Act.

      2. Subject to section 427(7), where any proposed district scheme, maritime planning scheme, or combined scheme under the Town and Country Planning Act 1977, or change to or variation or review of any such scheme under that Act, relates solely or in part to the whole or any part of the coastal marine area of a region, all functions, powers, and duties under subsection (1) in relation to such proposed scheme, change, variation, or review, or part thereof, as the case may be, shall, on the date of commencement of this Act, transfer to the relevant regional council.

      3. Any person, who if this Act had not been enacted, had—

      4. a right of appeal to the High Court on a question of law; or
        1. a right to make any application for review—
          1. in respect of any proceedings to which subsection (1) or (2) applies shall continue to have that right, and that right may be exercised as if the enactments repealed by this Act continued in force.

          • Section 378(1): replaced, on , by section 172 of the Resource Management Amendment Act 1993 (1993 No 65).
          • Section 378(1A): inserted, on , by section 172 of the Resource Management Amendment Act 1993 (1993 No 65).
          • Section 378(1B): inserted, on , by section 172 of the Resource Management Amendment Act 1993 (1993 No 65).
          • Section 378(1C): inserted, on , by section 172 of the Resource Management Amendment Act 1993 (1993 No 65).
          • Section 378(1C): amended, on , pursuant to section 6(2)(a) of the Resource Management Amendment Act 1996 (1996 No 160).