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25B: Ministers may direct commencement of review
or “ The government's top leaders can tell local councils to start looking at and updating their plans for managing land and water. ”

You could also call this:

“The Minister can give money or lend money to help people do good things for the environment.”

The Minister for the Environment can give grants and loans to help people achieve the goals of this Act. The Minister decides what conditions to put on these grants and loans.

When the Minister spends or lends money for this purpose, it comes from money that Parliament has set aside for this reason.

Any money the Minister gets back under this Act must be put into a Crown Bank Account or another account that the Minister of Finance approves.

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Next up: 27: Minister may require local authorities to supply information

or “The person in charge of the environment can ask local groups for information about how they use their powers.”

Part 4 Functions, powers, and duties of central and local government
Functions, powers, and duties of Ministers

26Minister may make grants and loans

  1. The Minister for the Environment may make grants and loans on such conditions as he or she thinks fit to any person to assist in achieving the purpose of this Act.

  2. All money spent or advanced by the Minister under this section shall be paid out of money appropriated by Parliament for the purpose.

  3. All money received by the Minister under this Act shall be paid into a Crown Bank Account or such other account as may be approved by the Minister of Finance.

  • Section 26(3): amended, on , pursuant to section 65R(3) of the Public Finance Act 1989 (1989 No 44).