Part 2
Code compliance certificates, certificates of acceptance, and compliance schedules:
Certificates of acceptance
99Issue of certificate of acceptance
A certificate of acceptance must—
- be issued in the prescribed form; and
- have attached to it,—
- if a compliance schedule is required as a result of the building work, the compliance schedule for the building; or
- if an amendment to an existing compliance schedule is required as a result of the building work, the amended compliance schedule for the building.
- if a compliance schedule is required as a result of the building work, the compliance schedule for the building; or
A certificate of acceptance may, if a territorial authority inspected the building work, be qualified to the effect that only parts of the building work were able to be inspected.
A territorial authority's liability for the issue of a certificate of acceptance is limited to the same extent that the territorial authority was able to inspect the building work in question.