Building Act 2004

Miscellaneous provisions - Transitional provisions - Validations

426: Validation of levy

You could also call this:

“Explains that money collected from certain fees in the past is considered legal and proper”

If you paid money to the Authority because of levies (special charges) under Part 3A of the old Act, you should know that this money was collected properly and legally. This has always been true, even if there were any doubts before. The government wants to make sure everyone understands that these payments were correct and valid from the start.

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425: Proceedings of Authority, or

“The Crown can take over and handle any legal cases involving the Authority, even if they started before or after this rule was made.”


427: Validation of past expenditure of levy, or

“This explains how money collected in the past was used correctly, even if it wasn't exactly what the old rules said.”

Part 5 Miscellaneous provisions
Transitional provisions: Validations

426Validation of levy

  1. All money received by the Authority from levies imposed under Part 3A of the former Act must be taken to be and always to have been lawfully imposed and collected.