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104A: Territorial authority must issue statement in relation to compliance schedule
or “ The local council must give building owners a special paper about safety rules within 5 working days. ”

You could also call this:

“Building owners must keep systems working, give yearly proof, and show important information to users.”

If you own a building that has a compliance schedule, you need to do several things. You must make sure that all the specified systems listed in the schedule are working properly and will continue to do so. You also need to give the territorial authority a yearly building warrant of fitness, as explained in section 108.

You have to keep the compliance schedule in a specific place. This can be in the building itself, in another building in the same area, or somewhere else that you and the territorial authority agree on. You need to make sure that anyone who has the right to inspect the building can see the compliance schedule.

For the first year after getting the compliance schedule, you must display a statement from the territorial authority where people who use the building can see it. This statement needs to show what systems are covered by the schedule, where the schedule is kept, and any other required information.

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Next up: 106: Application by owner for amendment to compliance schedule

or “Owners can ask to change their building's safety checklist if they think it needs updating.”

Part 2 Building
Code compliance certificates, certificates of acceptance, and compliance schedules: Compliance schedules

105Obligations of owner if compliance schedule is issued

  1. An owner of a building for which a compliance schedule has been issued must ensure—

  2. that each of the specified systems stated in the compliance schedule is performing, and will continue to perform, to the performance standards for that system; and
    1. that the owner provides to the territorial authority an annual building warrant of fitness in accordance with section 108; and
      1. that the compliance schedule is kept—
        1. in the building; or
          1. in another building in the district of the territorial authority; or
            1. in some other place agreed on by the owner and the territorial authority; and
            2. that the compliance schedule is available for inspection by any person or organisation who or that has a right to inspect the building under any Act; and
              1. that, for the first 12 months of the period of the compliance schedule, there is displayed publicly in the building so that users of the building can have access to it a statement by the territorial authority in the prescribed form that contains the following information:
                1. the specified systems covered by the compliance schedule; and
                  1. the place where the compliance schedule is held; and
                    1. any other prescribed information.
                      • Section 105(e): replaced, on , by section 44 of the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).