Building Act 2004

Building - Special provisions for buildings affected by emergency - Other matters

133BZ: Sharing of information

You could also call this:

“The Minister or council can share helpful information with emergency management people.”

The Minister or a territorial authority can share important information with people who are using powers under Parts 4, 5, 5A, or 5B of the CDEM Act in the same area. They can do this even if the designation is no longer active.

The information they can share is called ‘relevant information’. This means information that the Minister or territorial authority has from doing their job under this part of the law. They can share this information if they think it will help the person receiving it to do their job better.

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Government and voting > Emergency management
Housing and property > Home safety and repairs


133BY: Resource consent not required for certain works, or

“Some building work doesn't need special permission from the council”


133BZA: Application of subparts 6, 6A, and 7 in designated areas, or

“Rules about buildings and dams in special areas can override other rules”

Part 2 Building
Special provisions for buildings affected by emergency: Other matters

133BZSharing of information

  1. The Minister or a territorial authority may disclose relevant information to any person who is exercising powers under Part 4, 5, 5A, or 5B of the CDEM Act in the same area, whether or not the designation is still in force.

  2. In this section, relevant information means information that the Minister or territorial authority—

  3. holds in relation to the performance of functions or duties or the exercise of powers under this subpart; and
    1. considers may assist the proposed recipient of the information in the recipient’s performance of functions or duties or exercise of powers.
      • Section 133BZ: inserted, on , by section 12 of the Building Amendment Act 2019 (2019 No 27).