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162E: Manufacturers and retailers must supply notice
or “People who make or sell swimming products must give buyers a note about pool safety rules.”

You could also call this:

“This section explains important words used in the rules about buildings, like who's in charge and who needs to follow the rules.”

In this part of the Building Act 2004, there are two important terms you need to know about:

A “responsible authority” can be one of three things:

  1. A building consent authority
  2. A territorial authority
  3. A regional authority

A “specified person” can be:

  1. The owner of a building
  2. If the notice to fix is about building work being done:
    • The person doing the building work
    • If applicable, anyone supervising the building work
  3. If the notice to fix is about a residential pool, it refers to a person mentioned in section 162C(4)

These definitions help explain who is responsible for different things in the building process.

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Next up: 164: Issue of notice to fix

or “When someone breaks building rules, they get a special note telling them to fix the problem”

Part 2 Building
Notices to fix

163Definitions for this subpart

  1. In this subpart, unless the context otherwise requires,—

    responsible authority means, as the context requires,—

    1. a building consent authority; or
      1. a territorial authority; or
        1. a regional authority

          specified person means—

          1. the owner of a building:
            1. if a notice to fix relates to building work being carried out,—
              1. the person carrying out the building work; or
                1. if applicable, any other person supervising the building work:
                2. if a notice to fix relates to a residential pool, a person referred to in section 162C(4).

                • Section 163 specified person: replaced, on , by section 11 of the Building (Pools) Amendment Act 2016 (2016 No 71).