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272U: Certification of modular component manufacturer
or “How experts check if a company can make building parts safely and correctly”

You could also call this:

“A certified builder of factory-made house parts must be checked every year to make sure they're still doing a good job.”

You need to know about auditing certified MCMs (Modular Component Manufacturers). A registered MCMCB (Modular Component Manufacturer Certification Body) must check on each certified MCM it’s responsible for at least once every year. Sometimes, they might need to check more often if the rules say so.

If another registered MCMCB has already checked on the MCM during that time, then the responsible MCMCB doesn’t need to do it again.

A registered MCMCB can also check on a certified MCM it’s not responsible for if the MCM asks them to.

The reason for these checks is to make sure the MCM is still doing everything right according to the rules in section 272U, or to see if there’s a reason to stop or take away their certification as explained in section 272W.

When doing these checks, the MCMCB must think about certain things that are written in the rules. They also have to follow any other instructions in the rules about how to do the checks properly.

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Next up: 272W: Suspension or revocation of certification of MCM

or “Stopping or cancelling a manufacturer's approval if they break rules or don't meet standards”

Part 3 Regulatory responsibilities and accreditation
Responsibilities relating to modular component manufacturers: Certification of modular component manufacturers

272VAudit of certified MCM

  1. A registered MCMCB must audit each certified MCM for whom it is the responsible MCMCB—

  2. at least once in every 12 months; and
    1. more frequently if required by the regulations.
      1. However, subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the audit required for a particular period if another registered MCMCB has audited the modular component manufacturer in that period.

      2. A registered MCMCB may audit a certified MCM for whom it is not the responsible MCMCB at the request of the certified MCM.

      3. The purpose of an audit is to ascertain whether—

      4. the modular component manufacturer continues to meet the criteria for certification in section 272U; or
        1. there are grounds to suspend or revoke the person’s certification under section 272W.
          1. In carrying out an audit, a registered MCMCB must—

          2. take into account any matters specified in regulations made under section 402(1)(uc)(ii)(B) and any MCM scheme rules that supplement those regulations; and
            1. comply with any other requirements prescribed by regulations made under section 402(1)(uc)(ii)(C) and any MCM scheme rules that supplement those regulations.
              • Section 272V: inserted, on , by section 68 of the Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components, and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 (2021 No 21).